Good morning everyone! How's your day so far? Mine, as usual - doing okay inside Mommy's tummy. Actually, I'm sucking my thumbs right now, while Mommy is busy at the office. Yeah, she goes to work from Tuesdays to Saturdays from 7am - 4pm. Lucky me, I have such a hardworking mom there. LOL :D. Well, I guess both she and Daddy should really work hard because we are now a growing family. When I come out, I'm sure I'll be adding up to their expenses. Actually, I'm adding now even while inside her. LOL :D
So, what's for today? Nothing much. I will be doing my usual rounds of kicks in a while. Mommy will sure be pissed again. hehehe. Anyway, as Mommy started putting widgets on this blog a while ago, I noticed that I'm already 24 weeks old. Wow, time really flies so fast! How am I doing then and how do I look like at this age? Well, check out this Baby's Development at 24 Weeks that Mommy researched via the net:
- The child is now gaining around 3 ounces (90 grams) a week.
- Baby weighs about 1.3 pounds and is 12 inches long.
- Baby weighs about 600 grams and is 30cm (crown to heel) long.
- The eyelids can be seen very clearly.
- If born at this stage is officially considered viable, they may well be able to survive.
Your baby is producing surfactant. This is stuff that keeps the small air sacs i
n our lungs from collapsing. The unborn baby is covered with a fine, downy hair and the skin is protected by a waxy substance. Some of this substance may still be on the child's skin at birth at which time it will be quickly absorbed. The baby practices breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid into developing lungs.
Baby gains about 3 ounces this week. The weight is in muscle, bone mass and organs. The body begins to fill out with his appearance increasingly becoming more like a newborn. Taste buds begin to form. If mom drinks something strange or bitter, baby may be observed showing his or her distaste.
Little creases have appeared on his palms. The muscular coordination of the hands has improved as they sucks their thumb. Over the next week or so, the sweat glands will be forming in the skin. The lungs are developing branches of the respiratory tree and cells that produce surfactant, a substance that helps the air sacs inflate easily.
After this week your baby is officially considered viable. 36% of babies can survive premature birth at 24 weeks - However, serious complications are still possible.
Baby now weighs about 1
.3 pound (600gm) and is around 12 inches (30cm) long.
Weee...I'm now weighing 1.3 pounds! Amazing! Mommy wants me to be at least 7pounds when I come out. Do you think I'll reach that?